Central Chapter: CentralChapter@sc-ena.org
(Counties: Aiken, Calhoun, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Newberry, Richland, Saluda, Sumter)
If you are not receiving the emails CentralChapter@sc-ena.org, Please check your spam folders and mark the sender as safe.
2024 Officers
Disney Cuddington President
Benji Mccollum President-Elect
Allison Crider Secretary |
Anna Chambers Immediate Past President
If you are not receiving the emails Centralchapter@sc-ena.org, Please check your spam folders and mark the sender as safe.
Central Chapter Meeting Dates & Times
Meetings occur @ 7:15pm unless otherwise noted.
Meeting ID: 899 4724 5225
Passcode: 826711
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89947245225#,,,,*826711# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,89947245225#,,,,*826711# US
To ensure meeting security, we require all attendees/guests to have valid Zoom accounts for attendance. If you do not have an account, please create a free one at http://zoom.us and note login and password for future Zoom meetings.
Use your PC, MAC, Linux, iPhone/iPad, or Android device to join the meeting by clicking on the link below. Please connect to the call 15 minutes prior to test the video, speakers or mic after clicking on the link.