Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee is responsible for maintaining the scholarship guidelines and scoring rubric, and processing applications for SC-ENA scholarship funds.  
Chair: Terri Otte
Co-Chair: Ellen Ruja
Members: Melanie Stoutenburg, Shara Rhodes

2024 Committee Goals: 

1.  New scholarship for SC Emerging Professional ($1000.00). Must be an RN for
   5 years or less with applications being due in May of each year.  The award
   announcement will be made in July.
2.  SC ENA Professional Development Scholarship ($500.00).  Two scholarships
   will be awarded each year (spring and fall).  Applications are due in May and
   October with the award announcement being presented in July and  
3.  Review and update the Standard Operating Procedure and add the additional
   Emerging Professional Scholarship, and update the policy for the Professional
   Development Scholarship to include the spring and fall application process.
4. Actively market the different scholarships to the different chapters with a link
   to the application information